

    经过部懈的努力, 我们的布鲁莱斯主线主题曲布堡在召唤已经完工一大半啦!

    此歌曲通用介绍: 这个歌曲是HAPPY学习乐园的宣传曲. 采用了我以前写的3段小歌曲的片段, 希望大家喜欢哦! 

    有人讲话版本暂时没有录, 大家可以看看歌词.

[00:00.01] 布堡在召唤
[00:04.26] 出品人:ORDYLAN
[00:21.48] 有人,有理想,
[00:25.54] 立刻向理想出发.
[00:29.52] 有人,很快乐,
[00:33.58] 布鲁莱斯在召唤!
[00:37.50] 在那快乐的布堡,
[00:40.94] 没有痛苦和烦恼,
[00:44.21] 快乐学习每一天,
[00:47.58] 学习乐园陪伴你.
[00:50.95] 努力学习攒残图,
[00:54.44] 密码字典在眼前!
[00:57.72] 美好乐园三年造,
[01:01.17] 辉煌城堡今日现!
[01:04.57] 布堡在召唤!
[01:11.91] 拿上城堡的钥匙吧,
[01:17.89] 和E•玛斯特去探险吧!
[01:23.05] 学习乐园是我的宝物,
[01:27.36] 带上它考试前用一用吧,
[01:31.68] 考试完你一定会感谢的!
[01:39.30] 同学们一定要有理想啊,
[01:43.99] 记得来学习乐园.
[01:48.26] 大家快来这里玩一玩,
[01:52.95] 布鲁莱斯在召唤!
[00:00.01] The Bululess Is Calling
[00:04.26] By ORDYLAN
[00:21.48] Someone has an ideal,
[00:25.54] Setting off towards the ideal immediately.
[00:29.52] Someone is very happy,
[00:33.58] Bululess is calling!
[00:37.50] In that happy Bululess Castle,
[00:40.94] There is no pain or worries,
[00:44.21] Learning happily every day,
[00:47.58] The Study Playground accompanies you.
[00:50.95] Work hard to study and accumulate RPON,
[00:54.44] The Password Dictionary is in front of you!
[00:57.72] The beautiful castle was built in three years,
[01:01.17] And the magnificent castle is present today!
[01:04.57] Bululess is calling!
[01:11.91] Take the key to the castle,
[01:17.89] And go on an adventure with E.Master!
[01:23.05] The Study Playground is my treasure,
[01:27.36] Bring it with you and use it before the exam,
[01:31.68] You will definitely be grateful after the exam!
[01:39.30] Everyone must have ideals,
[01:43.99] Remember to come to the Study Playground.
[01:48.26] Everyone comes and plays here,
[01:52.95] Bululess is calling!

可能是之前忘记发了, 这首歌的初版在2022.1.10(前|后)就已经完工了.
然后我休息了几个月, 补充了一点修饰性伴奏. 然后又过了一年, 
[尽管听上去比原来有点奇怪, 为了测试我特地听了3天, 突然觉得还不错~]





